Revealed! The Secrets to Defending Your Life or a Loved One’s Life #SelfDefense

Revealed! The Secrets to Defending Your Life or a Loved One\’s Life #SelfDefense

Source: Revealed! The Secrets to Defending Your Life or a Loved One’s Life #SelfDefense
What if…?

Have you ever gotten that funny feeling in the back of your neck and wondered, ‘What if I’m attacked?’

Do you worry about your children or spouse when they’re away from you?

With today’s busy schedule do you have time to send the family to karate classes?

What if, the unthinkable happened?

Here’s Your Solution!

Realistic self-defense expert and dual certified teacher Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. finally releases his tell all book containing all the realistic self-defense drills he developed over two decades!

Make these self-defense drills a family activity!

Don’t worry the living room is large enough. I’ve trained people in small spaces before.

Don’t worry the self-defense drills are in order from beginner to advanced

DON’T WAIT, until you or a family member is ATTACKED AND THEN learn self-defense. DO IT NOW and stop the physical and, sometimes worse, the psychological trauma of being

Mugged, raped, molested, robbed, intimidated

Click here now for more information on Bringing The Martial Artist Out from Within …..

Martial Arts Ebook, Martial Arts Video, Self-Defense Ebook Self-Defense Video, Realistic Self-Defense, How to Defend Yourself, Rape Defense, Martial Arts Drills, self-defense lessons, karate lessons

How to Slow Down Or Completely Halt Your Martial Arts Training Progress

How to Slow Down Or Completely Halt Your Martial Arts Training Progress

Source: How to Slow Down Or Completely Halt Your Martial Arts Training Progress


Over the years, I’ve seen very successful techniques in slowing down martial arts and self-defense training to an almost complete stop. I’ve listed some of these techniques below, perhaps you’re already practicing some of these….


Note the double t. Now this is a very common highly used martial arts training slow down technique. I’ve seen tournament champions as well as martial art wannabees use it. Here’s what you do….

As soon as a fellow martial artist, whether instructor or training partner begins explaining a technique, utilize a blank, yet polite stare, BUT DON’T ACTUALLY LISTEN. Actually listening has the detrimental potential of improving your martial arts skills. Remember, we’re trying to avoid this in this article.

To further the technique only pretend to listen to about half of the explanation. Take the valuable time while the martial artist is explaining the technique to develop a reason that it won’t work. This will save you from actually having to listen to the entire explanation of the martial arts technique and gives you more time to figure out a reason NOT to add it to your repertoire. Sure sure you’ll be hit by the technique since you don’t train with it or against it, but similar techniques can be utilized to develop excuses why you were hit, there’s no need to practice the technique. I assure you this would only speed up your martial arts training and improve your skills.

Remember, much like the namesake of this technique, always start your conversation after pretending to listen with

“Yeah but….”

Generalizations of Martial Arts and Martial Sports Styles,13216.msg13490.html#msg13490
Continue with this humorous martial arts article if you’re not already on the main post page

THIS will save you anywhere from hours to months of research in attempting to learn how other martial arts systems and martial arts sports such as boxing and mixed martial arts may utilize techniques differently and indeed utilize techniques you may not even know about or practice.

This technique works best when the person you’re discussing the martial arts style or sport knows as little as you do about it. I’ve seen this done quite successfully, let me assure you, it’s a proven technique for slowing down your martial arts training. Here’s how the technique works….

Pick a martial arts style or sport, let’s say boxing. Start your time saving and research saving conversation like this,

“Here’s what I’d do against a boxer….”

Now, it’s important that you justify what you would do with further generalizations. Start this statement with this,

“Boxers always….”

NOW YOU’RE JUSTIFIED! See how much simpler that is than actually training with the martial arts style or sport? You’ve just saved yourself a great deal of time and progress. Now remember, if you accidentally do end up training with someone from another style and you get hit, don’t worry, just utilize a variation of the yeahbutt technique to develop a reason you were hit. That way you won’t have to train against that technique for which you have weak defenses.

Decisions Based on Short Experiences

This is different that generalizations since you did accidentally get a little experience with a style. This technique by the way has been developed almost to a science by a visually based observational nonphysically interactive type of martial artist commonly referred to as the “Monitor Martial Artist”.

This is a huge time saver! What the monitor martial artist does is watch a two to four minute online social video presentation and figure out how to sometimes not only defeat the martial artist in the video, BUT THE ENTIRE MARTIAL ARTS STYLE! Think about it! No need to actually develop interest in an alternate means of executing a technique. You just watch a couple minutes of video!

Here’s how the technique works. It’s best to use a social video media so you may build your self-esteem by commenting on the video. Watch, a small portion of the two to four minute video, by utilizing above techniques there’s no need to wait till the video is concluded to begin drawing conclusions. As soon as you see something you believe is negative in the video, stop the video, pull your keyboard from your drawer and begin typing this….

“In 2.24 he was completely wide open! I’d have….”

And that’s it! You’ve now saved hours of time by posting questions inquiring about the technique in 2.24. No need to perform internet searches or even find people in your area available for practicing. The best part about this is the support you get from fellow Monitor Martial Artists! Thus your self-esteem has been boosted, you’ve gained comrades who think as you do, thus enabling this technique to execute an almost complete halt to improving your martial arts skills!


I believe you’re starting to get the idea of how to utilize these martial arts training slow down techniques;

1. DO NOT have an open mind.
2. Pretend to listen just long enough to be polite.
3. Be negative as quickly as possible.
4. Generalize as much as possible.

Any single technique utilized here will have the benefit of slowing down your martial arts training. When combined, you can potentially become completely static in your training. You’ll never have to worry about learning anything new again.

Sensei J. Richard Kirkham is a dual certified teacher. He’s been in martial arts since 1973. He’s the author of Bringing The Martial Artist Out from Within. A martial arts and self-defense drills ebook covering TWO DECADES of martial arts drills.,13215.msg13489.html#msg13489

Dumbbell Exercises for Women to Tone Arms #WeightLoss #Fitness

Dumbbell Exercises for Women to Tone Arms #WeightLoss #Fitness

Source: Dumbbell Exercises for Women to Tone Arms #WeightLoss #Fitness

The very nature of women’s bodies makes them susceptible to sagging in certain areas-particularly the arms. And unfortunately for the ladies, this can start happening at a relatively young age. The good news is that there are ways to reduce and eliminate almost entirely, sagging in the arms. And the best part is, you don’t need fancy or expensive equipment or even a gym membership-you can achieve your goals right in the comfort of your own home with just a few square feet of unobstructed space and a set of dumbbells.

In the world of exercise equipment, dumbbells are just about perfect-they’re effective, versatile, inexpensive, easy-to-store, great for targeting specific areas, can be used by anyone regardless of skill or ability and can be used just about anywhere. You don’t need to be able to lift heavy weights in order to tone up your arms. A maximum weight of 10 to 12 pounds will do. If you can, pick up a few different weights (5, 10, 12 pounds) so you can vary your workouts.

First of all, warm up before getting started-this helps to prevent injuries. So start with a few minutes of stretching, particularly focusing on stretching the muscles in your arms. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. You also might want to walk or jog in place for a few minutes to get your blood pumping.

Here are some exercises you can do:,

Dumbbell Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of #WeightLoss #Fitness

Dumbbell Exercises You\’ve Never Heard Of #WeightLoss #Fitness

Source: Dumbbell Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of #WeightLoss #Fitness

Dumbbells are about the most versatile piece of exercise equipment you’ll ever use or own. You can train any body part with them, they’re suitable for anyone-beginners, intermediate and pros-and can be used by people of any age to get fit. They’re also the ideal regardless of your fitness goals. So whether you’re just looking to trim down, maintain or even build mass, dumbbells can be the right piece of equipment you need. And, assuming that you’re doing the movements properly, when you train with dumbbells you mimic the body’s natural movements, considerably reducing the risk of injuring yourself.

The point today is to present a few little known, but highly effective dumbbell exercises-it’s always good to do something new. When the body’s muscles get too accustomed to the same routine day after day, week after week, month after month, your routine’s effectiveness is diminished. That’s why knowledgeable guys change things up every now and then so they can keep seeing gains and achieving the results they want.

Here are a few dumbbell training exercies that you probably haven’t heard of.,13178.msg13407.html#msg13407

Dumbbell thrusters (legs, shoulders): Works the glutes and shoulders at the same time. Place an exercise ball behind your legs. Stand straight holding two dumbbells at shoulder height with palms facing each other about even with your shoulders. Squat down until your butt touches the ball, then thrust upward raising your arms towards the ceiling, while maintaining your palms facing the same direction. Squat down again lowering the dumbbells to the starting position, then repeat.

Dumbbell hamstring curl (hamstrings): Lie face down on a flat bench with your knees hanging over about two to three inches. Have someone tuck a dumbbell vertically between your feet-if you’re limber and not too clumsy, you can manage it yourself. Grasp the front two legs of the bench for stability. Then, without lifting your waist from the bench, keep your knees together tight and raise your toes (and the dumbbell) towards the ceiling until your shins are perpendicular to the floor.

Dumbbell ab crunch (abs): Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, holding a dumbbell with both hands (one hand over each end of the dumbbell) close to your chest just below your chin. Keeping your butt and lower back on the floor, slowly roll your upper back off the floor, keeping your neck neutral. Pause and hold for a second or two and then return to the starting position and repeat.

Low dumbbell crossover (chest): This awesome move can completely isolate and pump up your pecs. It’s like the Low Cable Crossover but done with dumbbells to further isolate the pectoral muscle. With one foot forward for stability, grasp the dumbbells (hands facing forward), spread your arms until they’re at about a 45-degree angle and your hands are a few inches behind your hips. Lean forward slightly. Bring the dumbbells up and together, using a sweeping arc motion, stopping right in front of your lower chest. Pause for a full second, return to the starting position and repeat. Keep your arms slightly bent to be sure that you’re fully isolating the pecs.

Dumbbell press and fly combo (chest): This double-duty exercise keeps the pectoral muscles under tension throughout the movement. Position yourself for a regular dumbbell chest press. When your arms are fully extended, instead of dropping them back down to your chest, then slowly arc them out in a fly movement-without changing the position of your hands-until you get a nice stretch. Pause, return to the starting position and repeat.

Zero impact dumbbell row (back): Stand with your knees somewhat bent and lean over slightly, keeping your back straight. Hold the dumbbells so they’re in front of your thighs (palms facing your legs). Your elbows should be slightly bent. Bring the dumbbells out, back and up behind you in an arc, swinging your elbows back like a pendulum but maintaining control of the weight, keeping your back straight. Focus on contracting the back muscles. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Reverse incline hammer curl (biceps): Use fairly light weights for this one-it really isolates the bicep. Sit backwards on an incline bench adjusted to a 60- to 70-degree angle. With your arms hanging straight down, hold the dumbbells with your thumbs up, palms facing each other (hammer curl position). Curl the weights up until the just touch your shoulders. Squeeze, pause and repeat. If you pull your elbows back just a bit, it will put more emphasis on the long head of the biceps, which can otherwise be tough to train.

Wrong way tricep pullover (triceps): Lie sideways (perpendicular) with your upper back on a flat bench as though you were going to do a dumbbell pullover for your chest. Grasping one dumbbell with both hands, bring your arms up and behind your head-again, as though you are going to do a dumbbell pullover. But instead of trying to keep your arms straight, stretch your arms back, maintain the upper arms in a fixed position and bend your elbows down, lowering the dumbbell and stretching the triceps. Pause, squeeze, return to the starting position and repeat.

Mike Westerdal is the author of “Dumbbell Exercises and Lifting Routines To Help You Gain More Muscle, Lose Weight, or Just Get Yourself in Better Physical Shape… WITHOUT the Hassles, and Expenses of Health Clubs. Increase Your Muscle Size And Improve Your Physical Fitness In 90 Days – Guaranteed.

Warning Don’t Use Remote Computer Support Services article by Rick Kirkham

Warning Don\’t Use Remote Computer Support Services article by Rick Kirkham

Source: Warning Don’t Use Remote Computer Support Services article by Rick Kirkham

#ComputerTips #RemoteComputerSupport   Why Do Unethical Remote Computer Support Service Companies Drop Viruses on Customers Computers?

What Do I Do After Dismissing a Remote Computer Support Service Company?

What Are The Symptoms of a Computer Virus?

What NOT to Do When You May Have Computer Viruses and Spyware

What to Do If You Might Have Computer Viruses and Spyware

I know, that sounds funny coming from the owner of a remote computer troubleshooting service, but as a computer virus removal specialist, I get calls on a regular basis here in Honolulu Hawaii to remove computer viruses from Windows and Apple/Mac computers after the remote computer client has cancelled the remote computer service.

Now, my observation could be skewed, since I’m only contacted after a computer user cancels an unethical remote computer service and now has a computer infected with viruses and spyware. I try to keep an open mind and as a Christian, give people the benefit of the doubt. However, when I was looking for a PayPal alternative to collect payments for my remote computer troubleshooting service, I checked with an online payment collection service called 2CheckOut. At the time I contacted 2CheckOut and possibly still, they did not allow remote computer service businesses to use their payment collection service due to complaints about the remote computer service companies. This remains evidence to me that it’s not just my circumstances which leads me to the conclusion that most remote computer assistance companies are unethical in their dealing with their remote clients.

Why Do Unethical Remote Computer Support Service Companies Drop Viruses on Customers Computers?

This happens either during a trial period for the remote computer service to create a need for the service or when you’re near the end of the one year contract and decide not to renew. The hope with the latter being you’ll contract the company for another year so they’ll remove the infection.

What Do I Do After Dismissing a Remote Computer Support Service Company?

One of my in home computer clients in Aiea contacted a remote computer service company. He didn’t know I had one because he didn’t need the service. I recall him being somewhat embarrassed after I told him I had a remote computer service. I assured him it wasn’t a problem, but I did explain to him I didn’t tell him about my remote computer service because I didn’t think he needed it. He agreed and cancelled his trial. The next thing he did was to have me do a deep professional check of his PC. I found several programs that would have attacked his computer and cost him a lot more money to remove and repair later on if he wouldn’t have had me check his computer right away.

A regular computer repair person would have probably missed the Trojan viruses and spyware on his computer. That’s why you need a computer virus removal specialist to check your computer after canceling a remote computer service contract.

What Are The Symptoms of a Computer Virus?

Slow computer
Redirects – Clicking a link in a search engine and ending up at a completely different website.
Change of homepage
Change of search engine
New toolbar – A bar with links across the top of your internet browser.

What NOT to Do When You May Have Computer Viruses and Spyware

Do not have your nephew who knows a little more about computers than you do to attempt to remove viruses designed by professional hackers.

Do not type in any usernames or passwords. There may be keystroke loggers sending information to hackers to steal your identity.

Do not take your computer to a big box discount electronic store. These poor techs have at least 10 computers each and a minimum time to repair or wipe the hard drive, thus making you a victim twice since you lose all your pictures and work files. If the issue is hardware and the techs run out of time they’ll ship it to the manufacturer and you may still lose all your pictures and work files.

Do not let anyone wipe your hard drive to remove computer viruses and spyware thus making you a victim twice since you lose all your pictures and work files. I have at least one “competitor” who claims to remove viruses but, resets the victim’s computer to manufacturer settings thus losing all pictures and work files.

What to Do If You Might Have Computer Viruses and Spyware

If you have personal information on your computer unplug the internet or turn off your computer.

Make sure you have identity theft protection found here

Honolulu Hawaii and All of Oahu call or text computer virus and spyware removal specialist J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. 224-1870

Use Mr. Kirkham’s tell all downloadable eBook with links to software he uses himself as one of the best computer virus and spyware removal specialist on Oahu not only to remove computer viruses and spyware, but to keep your computer fast and efficient by using the instructions and software once a month.

If you want a remote computer support service from an ethical Christian computer expert which also gives any Oahu residents discounts for house calls through this link click the link below,13043.msg9767.html#msg9767